Hoods Installation

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about us

Kea Hoods Inc.

For a new restaurant rooftop unit, exhaust fan or air system, The Kitchen Exhaust is able to help you find the equipment that fits your space and budget with the performance that you need. Our turnkey operation will meet your needs if you have a small restaurant, a large chain, or any other type of commercial kitchen facility.

And nobody is better for commercial or residential hood installations. We provide a professional service that will take your project from the design stage through installation. When you choose us for your commercial or residential hood needs, you get our complete commercial kitchen system installation services. All installations are following NFPA 96 Code regulation and local code.

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Exhaust Fan

Kea Hoods Inc.

Fans move the heat and contaminated air out of the building. Depending upon design, you’ll require either:

– Up-blast fans mounted on the roof directly on top of the exhaust stack.
– Utility fans usually roof-mounted where high-static pressure losses are found.
– Inline fans, typically located in the interior duct and used when exterior mounting is impractical.

Duct Furnace or Gas Fresh Unit

montes nascetur

Air that exits through your exhaust hoods and fans must be replaced by outside air entering the building. Each commercial or residential kitchen requires a different system to achieve this balance. The Kea Hoods inc.  is recognized as a leader in the creation and installation of fully integrated ventilation systems. Contact us today to find out how you can ventalize the air in your residential or commercial kitchen in the most efficient way.